
Showing posts from October, 2022

Why am I an occult watchdog?

 On Facebook , someone asked a question about what inspired me to do an expose. Here is my answer: Evil mother (psychic fraud), experience in multiple schisms, former boiler room psychic, tried and convicted of black magick (expelled from GD for binding a serial rapist), and being banned (for my medical marijuana use) from a monthly Wiccan event that I attended for twenty-five years because I discussed how I have never verified a single lineage that was born outside the state of Colorado. I have been doing this type of stuff since my mother forced me into the Broom Closet (in 1980) to hide the fact that her family is a bag full of rabid raccoons crazy. And the latest attempt to silence me (in the name of pagan community service) is as bug-shit crazy as anything else I have ever seen. Oh, the rewriting of official local history which proves that a single witch should have micromanagement over all other local leaders--including the right to shut down the events of others (no questions as