Esoteric Archive Project

Do you have an unwanted esoteric Archive?

Imagine an 1980s Pawn Shop advertisement commercial airing at three in the morning . . .

Hi, I am Mad Uncle Morgan. And I want you to donate your unwanted pagan magazines, event flyers, holiday souvenirs, and hoarded handouts to the Esoteric Community Development History Project.

Did you know that I went to college to learn how to write a history of the development of my local pagan community? Well, also to become a more knowledgeable Wiccan minister and a successful modern day pulp fiction science fiction writer. A boy has to eat. But the academic need was Historian.

It was while working with Primary Documents—something that the University of Colorado at Denver encouraged us students to do—when I realized that a flyer that I saved from the days of the Pagan Rainbow Network (RIP) was not only the “perfect marketing example,” it was also a historical document.

And we are a community of hoarders, I know that we can assemble a basic map of the development of the Craft (and other mystery schools), using the various pocket trophies that most of us have collected.

Send your unwanted Esoteric Archive to Morgan Eckstein, Attn: Communal History Project, 2727 N. Cook St., Denver, CO 80205.


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